Multiplication And Division


Can you divide 9/3? What is 3*2 multiplied?

2 books in 1 , includes rewards and stickers

Format: Paper Back

Pages: 60

Age: 5+yrs



About the book:

Learning to multiply numbers is a complex and difficult task. This pad builds upon the National Curriculum targets for numeracy taught in all primary schools and will help your child learn and remember the times tables from 1 to 10. The pad includes plenty of visual clues and opportunities to apply problem-solving skills. Learning times tables becomes easier with repetition and recognition of the patterns involved. Be aware that some number combinations
appeal to different children in different ways – the 7 times table for example, may
prove easy for some and seem impossible to others! Aim to maintain the fun in
learning, so that your child can enjoy the activities without even realising that he or she is learning! Answers can be found on page 32, and don’t forget to reward effort- with stickers.

Once your child has mastered the times tables, the process of dividing should
become simpler. Learning division becomes easier with repetition and familiarity with the multiplication tables. With practice, your child will recognise how the number patterns and operations relate to each
other. This pad builds upon the National Curriculum targets for numeracy taught in all primary schools and will help your child learn and remember division tables from 1 to 10. The pad includes plenty of visual clues and opportunities to apply problem- solving skills.


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