Learn Time Tables – Shapes and Measures | 2 in 1


Do You Know your Time Tables? How big is this Square?

2 in 1 Includes Rewards and Stickers

Format: Paper Back

Age: 6+

Pages: 60


About the Book:

Learning to multiply numbers is a complex and difficult task. This pad builds upon the National Curriculum targets for numeracy taught in schools and will help your child learn and remember the times tables. Activities include plenty of visual clues, opportunities to practice tables and the application of problem-solving skills. Learning the times tables becomes easier with repetition and the gradual recognition of number patterns involved. Be aware that some number combinations appeal to different children in different ways – the 7 Times table, for example, may prove easier for some than others! Aim to maintain the fun in learning and try to create opportunities for multiplying in everyday contexts. Answers can be found on pages 31 and 32, and don’t forget to reward effort with stickers and positive feedback

Here’s a unique and exciting range of
material developed to complement the
learning that takes place in primary
schools. Clear information helps you
support your child through the activities,
with the emphasis always on fun and
creative learning. So help build your child’s
confidence and guide his or her
development during those all-important
first years at school.


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