

Returns Policy

Return Policy

You are eligible for returns policy if

  1. Your product is damaged, defective, incorrect (with picture or description), or incomplete at the time of delivery, you are eligible for a return, exchange or refund.

You are not eligible for returns policy if

  1. Your product is an electronic toy. We don’t provide any guarantees for electronic toys. You can still contact us, we’ll try to help you out about the functioning and working of the toy.
  2. There’s no return or exchange policy on free gift/complimentary, If your free gift/complimentary is damaged (during shipping) or you changed your mind about gift options

48 Hours ( 2 days ). Please file a return request, refund or exchange request on the helpline (+923022418200) or Drop your query below in form within 2 days of the delivery date. After 2 days, return, refund or exchange requests won’t be eligible and won’t be entertained.

Please fill the Returns Form below or submit a request on the helpline (+923022418200). Make sure to enter your order number, contact details, product details, invoice and reason for request.

Depending on the nature of the issue, your request may take 7-15 days to resolve.

Return Form